5 Ways to Have Dog Playtime – P.L.A.Y.

By Libby Diament on Apr 8, 2023

It’s been a long day and you just want to relax. Why not include your furry friend in your plans?

Here are five ways to have some fun with your dog. From simple walks to playing with toys, there’s sure to be something here that will get both you and your pup laughing and playing in no time!

Pet parents and even small children can enjoy special play time with their favorite dog. You can use items from chew toys to household objects. Get creative and have fun!

  1. Go To The Park

There are usually plenty of other dogs around to play with, and it’s a great way to get some exercise. Who says exercising has to be tedious?

Visiting a park is a great way to get some fresh air, connect with nature, and get the heart rate up. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for your dog to make some dog friends while they’re at it!

Dog parks are great places to socialize and stay safe – you can watch on as your pup gets the chance to play with other four-legged pals. It’s an engaging activity that’s just as much fun for humans as it is for pet owners; there’s nothing quite like seeing an open field full of happy dogs enjoying themselves!

  1. Set Up a Play Date

Invite a friend over with their dog for some fun. Are you and your pup looking for some playdate fun? Why not reach out to a friend and their dog and organize a doggy playdate! Enjoy the company of both them and their dog as you play, interact, and even train together. Or play a game of tug of war with a tug toy. Have fun with plenty of petting, playing catch in the yard, or exploring a nearby outdoor area.

After all, nothing quite beats the company of a good friend when running around and having fun. Not only would this playdate be beneficial for your furry friends to interact with each other, but it also creates an opportunity for some much needed training. If you have a puppy, spending time with other dogs and pet owners, is so important.

What better way to give your dog the interaction and playtime they need than with another pup?

  1. Play Fetch

Playing fetch is the perfect way to keep your dogs active and get some fresh air. All you need is a tennis ball or toy – or even a stick! – and you’re good to go. A frisbee works great for certain dogs.

Watch your dog’s eyes light up as you throw the object into the distance, watching them run after it with enthusiasm. Small dogs may even enjoy a soft toy.

Enjoy playing fetch in the yard, at the dog park, or anywhere with a large open space. It’s an incredibly fun game not only for your dog but for you too – you’ll find yourself laughing and running around as well!

Exercise doesn’t always have to be boring; games can provide an enjoyable workout for both you and your four-legged best friend!

  1. Go for a Walk or Run

Taking your pooch for a walk or run is a great way to bond while enjoying the outdoors.

Not only will you be able to work out with your buddy but you can also take in surrounding sights along the way. It’s important to always keep your dog on a leash and familiarize them with basic commands before your walk, so that they don’t end up leading you instead!

Enjoy getting some fresh air and spending quality time with your four-legged friend, all at once – much healthier for both of you than splurging on the couch.

If you or your dog is not used to running, take it slow and build up your stamina over time.

  1. Teach Them Tricks

Teaching tricks to your four-legged friend can be a wonderfully enjoyable experience – it’s a great way to bond with them while also helping them to stay physically and mentally stimulated.

Teaching tricks is a lot easier than some may think; all you need is patience, treats and an eager dog. Most dogs can learn basic tricks and are very motivated by food.

Start by teaching your pooch the basics like ‘sit’ – repetitively offering treats and fun vocal cues when they understand and accomplish learned tricks will help show that you’re proud of them and encourage them to want to learn more tricks.

Once you’ve taught the basics, you can find a lot of tips and videos online. Watching your canine do something crazy or silly will definitely put a smile on your face, not just for that moment but for days afterwards. It will make training enjoyable, and both you and your pup will be smiling. Don’t forget to have a special treat for difficult tricks!


Overall, there are so many ways to strengthen the attachment between you and your dog. Find things that your dog likes to do. Having a dog is a great way to have a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t matter what the activity is, your dog will be excited to play and you can relieve some stress.

Taking them out to the park, having play dates, playing chase and catch, going for a walk or run together and teaching them tricks are just a few of the ways you can make memories with your dog that will last a lifetime.

It’s been a long day and you just want to relax. After spending time playing, your dog will sleep great at night. Reward your dog after a great day of playtime, with a new toy or special reward.

We offer some amazing dog toys that you can find here! You can also find us at retailers around the country. Libby from Diament Boutiques in Washington D.C. helped us with this article. They carry lots of our toys!

Credit : Source Post

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